Lund, Sweden

Neurology Station

Clarity in Emergency Medicine

Screening Neurological Examination

When patients present with neurological deficits, the detailed history is often sufficient to suggest the location within the nervous system of the pathology, and the nature of the pathology.  The neurological examination is then hypothesis-driven.

However, there are situations in Emergency Medicine where a detailed history cannot be obtained.  In this setting, a screening neurological examination provides valuable information.  The EMCC teaches a structured, high-yield screening neurological examination, followed by specific hypothesis-driven examinations.


Neurology Station

In the Neurology station, background information is provided at the onset and the participant then performs a screening neurological examination on the instructor.  The station focusses thereafter on speculating about the location and nature of the pathology, carrying out hypothesis-driven neurological tests, and discussing how various conditions are initially managed in the Emergency Department.


N2 091020


PDF of Powerpoint Lecture: Neurological Deficit EMCC

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