Suspected meningoencephalitis
Suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage despite negative CT
Risk for cerebral herniation:
Altered mentation
Focal neurologic signs
Seizure within the previous week
Impaired cellular immunity
Infected skin over the needle entry site
Coagulopathy (e.g. anticoagulant or antiplatelet use, renal failure) is a relative contraindication
Prepare the Patient
Inform the patient about the procedure
Position the patient in the lateral recumbant or sitting position with the hips, knees and chin flexed towards the chest
Identify the L3-L4 interspace which is at the level of the posterior superior iliac crests. Identify the L2-L3 interspace and the L4-L5 interspace. Mark the interspace which is widest.
Prepare the Equipment
Mentally rehearse the procedure steps and assemble the necessary equipment
Sterilize and Drape
Don sterile gloves
Clean the skin over the L2-L4 area using antiseptic solution
Place sterile drapes around the work area
Administer local anesthetic under the surface of the skin at the target site +/- anesthetize the deeper tissue
Needle Insertion
Insert the spinal needle, with the bevel parallel to the spine, at a slightly cephalad angle, aiming towards the umbilicus, and advance the needle approximately 3-4 cm.
Remove the stylet and check for fluid return; if no fluid i obstained, replace the stylet, advance a few millimeters and repeat the process until CSF is obtained.
Attach the manometer and note the height of the fluid column. The patient’s legs should be straightened during pressure measurement.
Collect cerebrospinal fluid in each of 4-5 tubes (10 drops – 1 ml in each tube)
Replace the stylet and remove the needle
Apply a sterile dressing
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis depending on the context:
Cell count and differential (first and the last tube)
Glucose and protein levels
Direct microscopy, Gram stain, bacterial cultures, PCR for HSV etc.
Spectrophotometry if the setting of suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage