Inadequate oxygenation or ventilation through less invasive means
Risk for aspiration (endotracheal intubation gold standard to secure the airway)
Upper airway obstruction
Clinical course where airway intervention is likely to be required
Partial transection of the trachea
Prepare the patient
A: Optimize the height of the gurney and the patient’s head position
B: on-going pulse oximetry, preoxygenation
C: IV access x 2, crystalloid infusion, 3 lead EKG, blood pressure monitoring
D: Gross neurological examination prior to sedation and paralysis
Prepare the equipment
Medications: draw up the medications, label the syringes
Laryngoscope: correctly sized blade, check the lamp
Suction: activated, within reach
Endotracheal tube: estimated required size + other sizes available, check the cuff
Stylet and/or bougie
Capnometer and stethoscope
Equipment to fixate the tube
Plan B equipment, e.g. laryngeal mask airway of correct size
Administer medications as indicated
Optimize head position
Insert the laryngoscope, lift along its axis to visualize the vocal cords, additional maneuvers (e.g. BURP) as needed
Insert the endotracheal tube to the correct depth, cuff, remove the stylet
Ventilate with the bag, assess chest wall motion
Connect the capnometer, assess EtCO2 during 6 breaths
Insert an OPA or bite block
Secure the tube
Register tube depth
Plan for continued sedation
Order a chest X-ray or corresponding investigation