Lund, Sweden


Clarity in Emergency Medicine


  • Indicated in the unconscious patient with upper airway obstruction resulting from depressed airway muscle tone

  1. Prior

  • Choose OPA of correct size (incisors – angle of the jaw)

  1. Procedure

  • Insert in one of the following manners:

  1. upside-down or sideways, rotate 180-90°

  2. depress the tongue and insert without rotation

  1. Post

  • Assess upper airway patency



  • Indicated in the patient with decreased level of consciousness and an upper airway obstruction resulting from depressed airway muscle tone, or in the unconscious patient when OPA insertion cannot be performed.

  • Caution in the setting of potential basilar skull fracture


  1. Prior

  • Choose NPA of correct size (tip of the nose – earlobe)

  • Apply water-soluble lubricant or anesthetic jelly

  1. Procedure

  • Insert along the floor of the nasal passage, rotate as needed

  1. Post

  • Assess upper airway patency