Pneumothorax (2) in the following settings:
hemodynamically unstable patient
after needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax
all patients with pneumothorax ventilated with positive pressure
prior to air tranportation
Hemothorax (2)
Known adhesions of the lung to the chest wall
Caution in the setting of coagulopathy
Prepare the Patient
Explain the procedure if the patient is awake
Optimal patient position (hand under head, head end height 30°)
Consider systemic analgesia / anxiolytics when needed in hemodynamically stable patients
Prepare the Equipment
Chest tube set and chest tube size (3)
Multi-chamber system with water seal or equivalent (eg Heimlich valve)
Equipment to fixate the chest tube (e.g. suture with 0/0, 1/0 el 2/0 equivalent)
Protective equipment (eg mouth protection, rock, sterile gloves)
Sterilize and Drape
Clean a large area of hemithorax with alcohol or equivalent
Place sterile drapes around the work area
Analgesia and Anatomy
Identify the safe triangle (cranial to the nipple line)
Administer local anesthetic to the dermis, periostasis, intercostal muscles and pleura after aspiration
Sufficient dose, eg Lidocaine 1% (10 mg / ml) adults 20 ml, children: < 5 mg / kg
Incision and Dissection
2-4 cm skin incision parallel to the ribs in anesthetized area (4)
Blunt dissection with forceps through subcutis to the rib
Blunt dissection over the cranial edge of the rib (5) until the pleura is reached (6)
The hole in the pleura is widened with the forceps or finger
Palpation, confirm that the lung is not adherent to the chest wall
Introducing the Chest Tube
Graps the distal part of the chest tube with the forceps (6)
The chest tube is inserted along side the finger that palpated the pleura (7)
Confirm that air or liquid passes through the chest tube
The chest tube is clamped (preferably close to the skin so that change of tube position can be detected)
Fixation and Connect
Fixate the chest tube so that it can withstand a traction of 2-3 kg (8)
Connect the chest tube to the water seal and start suction
Check for air / blood in the drain
Check for air leak around the incision
Re-evaluation the patient’s ABCs
Order a chest X-ray
1-Refers here only to indications for emergent chest tube insertion
2-Pneumo- or hemothorax based on clinical, sonographical or radiological suspicion
3-Tube size:
12 – 20 F for children
16 – 20 F for pneumothorax
24 – 36 F for hemothorax
4-Method to garanty that the incision is carried out in the anesthetized area:
Mark the are somewhat prior to sterilization
Hold a finger on the area after local anesthesia while taking the scalpel
Leave the needle used to apply local anesthesia in the skin while taking the scalpel