Lund, Sweden


Clarity in Emergency Medicine

”Anticipation is key for goal-oriented behaviour. . . . Good pilots say ”Always fly ahead of your plane!”” Marcus Rall and Peter Dieckman


This checklist is indicated prior to the team management of a potentially critical patient. The purpose of the checklist is to prime to the team. The ”Sign-In” is an adapted version of the WHO (World Health Organization) Surgical Safety Checklist Time-Out organized according to the SBAR communication format.

  1. Situation

  • Team introduction (first name & profession)

  • Patient’s age & problem


  1. Background

  • Patient’s prior medical history

  • Current event (e.g. ambulance report)


  1. Assessment

  • Potential conditions?

  • Potential measures?


  1. Recommendation

  • Division of labor; need for extra personnel?

  • Suggestions from team-members?

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